Project appeals

Clean Water

Deep hand water pumps

As a team, we have always delivered deep hand water pumps in dry areas to enable the communities to get access to clean water. Most of the communities lack clean water which affects their lives and also domestic animals are affected. As a team we drill a deep water pump of about 100feet that serves more than a 1000 people in a community





Mosque Construction

Masjid Construction

We are raising money to construct a medium masjid of 14M by 12M that will accommodate 300people with daily prayers and Jamaa prayers in Nanok Village, Budaka District, Eastern Uganda together with  deep water well for provision of water for abulution as well as Toilets and wudhu area.






Qurban Appeal

As a team we always provide qurbani meat to poor countries in Tanzania, Sudan, Kenya and Uganda who are zakat eligible. This year we are aiming at distributing more than 1000 qurbani animals to needy families during Eid aduha  eligible households with meat on Eid day





Disaster/ Emergency

Emergency Relief

We are currently running emergency aid to affected countries such as Sunday and Kenya. We distribute food aid parcels, clothes and home utensils to displaced families. We give each family food parcel containing flour, rice, cooking oil, salt, milk, beans and soap to enable them use as they look for jobs and also relocating in better places

We shall distribute clothes and to need families and also home utensils for family start up

Orphan Care

Orphan Care (Shelter ,Health and Education)

We are currently supporting orphans and vulnerable children with scholastic materials, medical care and clothes to enable them live a passionate life like other children so that they can have a better future ahead of them. This has helped us reduce on street children and reduced crimes such as robbery






Empowerment Programs

CHARDEC has been carrying out empowerment programs and these included boosting youth and single mothers with small business that can generate for them income to support their children at school and home. Most of the single mothers in Uganda are involved in sex trade in such of survive and tuition for their children. We have boosted most of them with small businesses to cater for their home needs and this has reduced on the act of prostitution over the streets



